Downtown Ambassador Impact

February 2024 Highlights
February was another busy month for our Ambassador Team! Take a look at a few highlights. Our Ambassadors continue to make great strides in the ongoing improvement of Downtown Roanoke making it an even better destination for residents, employees, and visitors.
A bit about the data:
Outreach contacts are counted each time our Ambassadors have contact with a person in need. A referral is the number of times the outreach team connects an individual in need of services to a provider who can help.
The Ambassador Team is all over. Below is a map of their activity from February.

Hear what local leaders have to say about our Ambassadors!
If you've interacted with our Ambassadors, share your feedback.
This program is a community-wide effort and DRI has secured funding through 2026. We are actively seeking additional funders to ensure the program continues forward. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help fund our Ambassador Program.