Clean & Safe Program
At Downtown Roanoke, Inc. we're working to make downtown clean, safe, attractive and vibrant.
DRI has many programs in place working to accomplish this goal.
Downtown Roanoke Ambassador Program Having a clean, safe, and welcoming downtown is the foundation of a great city. Our 8-person Downtown Ambassador team is downtown 6 days a week providing nearly 300 hours of weekly services. Our Ambassador Program builds on existing services and allows us to expand and improve the downtown experience for residents, employees, and visitors.
Starling and Pigeon Abatement Program with the City of Roanoke
Trash Compactor Program We partnered with the City of Roanoke on installation and management of Downtown trash compactors. This program removes on-street trash from Downtown sidewalks and eliminates trash trucks during peak outdoor dining hours. Since installation recycling has increased 5.308 tons per week and trash has decreased 8.883 tons per week helping to earn the City of Roanoke an award for Recycler of the Year (2015). If you're a downtown resident or business in need of a Trash Fob to utilize the compactors, order one here.
Big Belly Solar Compactors To further assist in the efforts to keep our Downtown clean, DRI has donated 20 of these "Big Belly" units to the City of Roanoke for use on streets around downtown.